Here, you can find a list of recent invited talks, keynotes, conference presentations, media appearances, and so on. Older links are, unfortunately, likely to be dead.
If you’d like to interview me or invite me to speak at your event, please do reach out.
December 17, 2024—I presented some research on mouse jigglers at “After Surveillance,” a workshop at Goethe University Frankfurt.
November 20, 2024—I participated in a roundtable on cyborg anthropology at the American Anthropological Association annual meeting in Tampa.
November 15, 2024—I presented work on driver monitoring systems and the technical construction of attentiveness at the Agency and Attention workshop at the Royal Danish Academy of Science & Letters.
November 5, 2024—At the University of Bergen, Norway, I gave a talk about attention simulation devices.
September 20, 2024—For NYU’s Center for Data Science, I presented in conversation with Kyunghyun Cho and Grace Lindsay on the origins of “attention” in neural networks.
May 15, 2024—I presented in the University of Amsterdam’s Critical AI Studies online seminar series, on my book about music recommendation.
April 28, 2024—I gave the keynote lecture at Amherst College, for the Five College Ethnomusicology Certificate Celebration, which is a wonderful event for graduating ethnomusicology students to present their work.